Android अॅप्स

Android ऐप्स शैली सुरक्षा

Nox Cleaner

Nox Cleaner

अॅप आयडी:
सुरक्षा आणि अँटीव्हायरस
45 MB
अधिक माहिती
अँड्रॉइड आवश्यक आहे:
Android 4.4 or higher
ते सुरक्षित आहे.
Nox Ltd.
मागील आवृत्ती


Nox Cleaner Android अॅप

Quickly clean up your Android device

Nox Cleaner is a maintenance app that will help you keep your Android device clean and in good condition. Thanks to the different features it offers, you can easily clean the cache of your device, stop processes and check the status of the internal memory of your device — all in a matter of seconds.
When you open the app, Nox Cleaner calculates all the junk files that you can delete to save space on your device. Some smartphones and tablets have limited capacity, so it's easy for the internal memory to fill up. Fortunately, with Nox Cleaner, you can quickly clear up hundreds or even thousands of megabytes in a single tap by deleting unnecessary files.
Nox Cleaner also allows you to stop all the processes running in the background. In terms of privacy, the app lets you set a lock pattern for any app you have installed, so that only you can access it.
Other interesting features include a battery saver, which detects which apps on your device consume the most resources. Lastly, you'll also find an antivirus feature that will find any malware hiding on your device.
Nox Cleaner is a very useful app for keeping your device clean and optimized at all times. So, if you're looking for more available space and a smoother running device, don't hesitate to download Nox Cleaner.
Reviewed by Andrés López
Translated by Localization Team
Android 4.4 or higher required

माहिती माहिती

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या अॅप्सचे प्रथम पुनरावलोकन करा

आपले पुनरावलोकन सबमिट करा

पुनरावलोकन करा

नोंदणी आपले आवडते मोबाईल अॅप्स, गेम, रिंगटोन आणि वॉलपेपर अपलोड आणि अपलोड करा, आपल्या नावाची पुनरावलोकने पोस्ट करण्यासाठी एक PHONEKY खाते नोंदवा.

नोंदणी किंवा साइन इन करा ते PHONEKY कडे



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वैशिष्ट्यीकृत अॅप:

अँड्रॉइड अनुप्रयोग सेवा PHONEKY द्वारे प्रदान करण्यात आली आहे आणि ते 100% विनामूल्य आहे!

अॅप्स सॅमसंग, एचओएव्ही, एक्सपो, व्हीव्हीओ, एलजी, झियामी, लेनोवो, झीटे आणि इतर अँड्रॉइड OS मोबाइल फोनद्वारे डाउनलोड केले जाऊ शकतात.